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What is Gendai Reiki Ho ?

Gendai Reiki Ho  現代霊気法

Hiroshi Doi Sensei established Gendai Reiki Ho in 1993. He was initially trained by Ms. Kimiko Koyama, the 6th President of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, and then certified Okuden Second Level, the highest of the Usui Reiki Ryoho by Mr. Masaki Kondo, the 7th President of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in 2003.

Gendai Reiki is not a new Reiki system, but a combination of the strong spiritual aspects of original Japanese Usui Reiki and practical techniques of Western Reiki, so it is more approachable for people in the modern, busy society.

Reiki gives us the best gift when we are in complete resonance with it. 

Doi Sensei trained approximately a thousand Gendai Reiki masters in Japan, and about 900 masters from over 50 countries overseas. The Gendai Reiki circle is growing, and many international events, gatherings, and prayers are practiced every day.

Hiroshi Doi Sensei 土居裕 先生

Gendai Reiki Ho Founder


Hiroshi Doi Sensei was born in Okayama, Japan in 1935. After working for major companies, he is currently the representative of the Gendai Reiki Healing Association. While learning more than 30 types of healing modalities, he came across Reiki and learned Western Reiki and original Japanese Usui Reiki. After deepening the practice and research of the Reiki systems, he structured Gendai Reiki Ho that is a combination of the practical healing approach of Western Reiki and intense spiritual learning from original Japanese Reiki. He is a representative of the Gendai Reiki Healing Association, and he teaches the advanced seminar for Gendai Reiki masters.

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